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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Can Dads Do Picnics Too?

By Lauren McNeal

So, you think you're the only one capable of organizing events for the family? Why don't you give your husband the responsibility of putting together the picnic the kids have been going on about for the past two weeks?

Dads, if you're reading this, it means you've been allocated the task of picnic organizer. You're not too sure where to start? Cheat! Why not have a get together with the kids and ask them what they think. Make a note of their ideas and try to think about how you can make this a reality.

Interestingly recent surveys have shown that dads are spending much more time with their kids. Most dads tend to be more active than mothers so why not think about some games that you can enjoy with your kids. Sack races and bat and ball games are good ideas. If you are friends with other dads why not go that extra mile and coordinate a mass picnic get together. With each family being responsible for their own food you can put together fantastic team games. If you are the nature loving type why don't you get a nature trail designed to keep all the kids entertained, make the most of the good weather and get outdoors.

Try to put together a rough time line of when things are going to be done, but don't turn it into an army operation, you are not at work so let go a little!

Dads can do picnics providing they learn to leave their work at the office. Don't take business calls when you are spending time with your friends and family, you need to ensure that you dedicate time to them as well as your business partners.

If the final is on and your tempted to take a portable television or radio with you, don't, you can watch the replays when you get home. It's important that you take the essential time to be involved in your kid's lives.

If you're not sure about what best regarding the food, ask your wife for advice, but do your best to prepare the food yourself. Pick things that are easily put together and are fun for the kids to eat.

Don't leave all of the tidying up and washing up for your wife; make sure that you play an active role throughout the picnic. Bringing black bin liners and investing in some proper picnic Tupperware will show that you have had some forward thinking.

If you do a bit of photography as a hobby, a picnic is the perfect opportunity to take a few action shots of the family to work on when you get back home. These photos will be great editions to albums or even as a Christmas present for the kid's grandparents.

Dads are more than capable of organizing great picnics for the family, providing they make sure that once they are there they relax and enjoy yourself, remember your kids wont be young forever and nor will you, so make the most of it!

Lauren McNeal invites you to take a look at the latest picnic baskets offered at Specialists in picnic backpacks, picnic supplies and outdoor gifts, you're sure to find something to your liking.

Here is another good post about picnics Picnics: Cold Sandwiches or Barbeque Meats: Which is Best?

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Picnics: Cold Sandwiches or Barbeque Meats: Which is Best?

Are you interested in hosting a picnic in the near future? Whether you are looking to host a large picnic, which may also be referred to as a picnic party, or if you are looking to host a picnic just for your immediate family, you may be wondering which type of foods you should serve. As you likely already know, cold sandwich meats and barbequed meats are two types of picnic foods that come highly rated and recommended, but which should you serve?

At first glance, the decision to serve cold sandwiches or barbeque meats at your next picnic may not seem like a big decision, but it can be. What you need to remember is that most picnics are focused on food. For that reason, if you want your next picnic to be a success, it is important to make sure that the foods that you serve, as well as the other snacks and drinks, are ones that are the perfect match for you and your picnic guests, no matter who those guests may be.

If you have having a difficult time determining whether you should serve cold sandwiches or barbeque meats at your next picnic, you may want to examine the advantages and disadvantages of doing each. For starters, we will focus on cold sandwich meats. What is nice about serving cold sandwiches is that they are relatively easy to make, as well as affordable. You also have a number of different options. For instance, you can prepare your sandwiches beforehand or you can give your guests the opportunity to create their own sandwiches at your picnic.

As for the disadvantages to serving cold meat sandwiches at your next picnic, one is the creation. Should you decide to pre-make all of your sandwiches, you may find that not all of your guests like the sandwiches that you make. This is particularly common if you are hosting a picnic party. Unfortunately, many individuals are known as being picky eaters. With that in mind, if you allow your picnic guests to create their own sandwiches, you may have a large mess on your hands, as you often have number of utensils, condiments, and so forth left out.

As previously stated, a common alternative to cold meat sandwiches is that of barbeque meat. What is nice about serving barbeque meat at your next picnic is that it is something that most individuals love. For many, outdoor cooking is automatically associated with barbeques. You will also find that you have a number of meats to choose from, such as hamburgers, hotdogs, sausages, steak, and chicken.

Although there are a number of advantages to serving barbeque meat at your next picnic, you will also find that there are a number of disadvantages to doing so as well. One of those disadvantages is the cooking time. When barbequing your meat outdoors, you may find that it takes a considerable amount of time for all of the food to cook. With that in mind, this may be the perfect time to enjoy some fun outdoor picnic games, such as badminton or volleyball. Due to the cost of many meats, you may want to think about purchasing your food when it is on sale.

The above mentioned advantages and disadvantages are just a few of the many to having barbeque meats and sandwich meats at your next picnic. Should you still be unsure as to which would better suit your next picnic, you may want to consider serving both.

Here is another good post about picnics Seasonal Picnics

Friday, April 02, 2010

Seasonal Picnics

By Lauren McNeal

Picnics are always fun. No one can deny that outdoor meals never fail to make the food look and taste more sumptuous with the ambiance of nature and cool breeze.

If you would have it your way, you would rather go on a picnic everyday or if not, at least every week. Picnics are a universal way of getting your family and friends together for a meal while enjoying a beautiful scene, delicious outdoor meals and fun conversations. Going out on picnics is a fun and healthy way to stay in touch with your family and relax all at the same time. However, the current hustle and bustle of our everyday lives have not allowed for more frequent picnics with our family and friends. One is always busy and whenever they are not, another's schedule just got filled up. But don't fret. Seasonal picnics can still be arranged which can be more fun and relaxing for everyone.

Lauren McNeal invites you to take a look at the latest picnic baskets offered at Specialists in lunch bags, picnic supplies and outdoor gifts, you're sure to find something to your liking.

Seasonal picnics are excellent ideas because it allows for more planning and preparation. When you schedule your picnic months beforehand, there's practically no reason for anyone not to show up. If you hold seasonal picnics, you get four times in a year to be with your family and friends and enjoy every season. Imagine how much fun you can get from planning you next picnic for a different season! Each picnic should have a theme depending on the season. The holiday season picnic can be a real sensation. Turkey sandwiches and cranberries for a Thanksgiving picnic can just be your new family tradition to replace the old one. A costume picnic can add additional twist on your conventional Halloween party. During the fourth of July, you can also have your own picnic to celebrate the holiday. As for Valentine's Day, you can feature a romantic picnic and have champagne and raspberry drinks with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Your guests will surely enjoy the changing themes. Just thinking about it is so much fun!

Holding seasonal picnics will give you and your family and friends something to look forward to that is both fun and exciting. To spruce it up, you can even switch up to who will host the next picnic which gives a different outlook on every season. It's always a fun way to stay in touch and experience fun. You do not have to worry about your picnic themes. The ideas are endless! The only limit is your imagination and creativity. Of course, the picnics may not be held everyday or every week but at least, seasonal picnics can be a good start and it's not too much work that you can't handle. Simply being with your loved ones every season is enough and it's a good way to be in touch.

Obviously, if you want to hold seasonal picnics, you need supplies and food. Again, don't worry. There are a lot of picnic supplies that are available on your nearest home improvement stores or online. There you can find a wide variety of picnic baskets, blankets and other paraphernalia that you will need to make your picnic a blast. There are even picnic baskets that come with free food.

Lauren McNeal invites you to take a look at the latest picnic baskets offered at Specialists in lunch bags, picnic supplies and outdoor gifts,
you're sure to find something to your liking.

Here is another good post about picnics Camping and Picnics: The Perfect Combination

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Picnic Baskets: Why You Should Use Them and How to Find Them

Are you interested in taking a picnic in the near future? If you are, do you currently own a picnic basket? Although owning a picnic basket may not seem like a big deal, it is something that you should think about. There are a number of benefits to owning and using a picnic basket. Just a few of those benefits are outlined below.

Perhaps, the greatest benefit of owning and using a picnic basket is the environment that it can help to create. Picnic baskets can make picnic adventures seem more real. In the movies, as well as in many stories, you will see that picnic baskets are used on picnics. Picnic baskets can be used to hold all of your food, as well as other supplies that you would like to bring along with you. Whether you are looking to have a picnic adventure with your family or a romantic picnic with your partner, owning and using a picnic basket can make the whole adventure seem a lot more “real.”

Another one of the many benefits to using a picnic basket, when going on a picnic adventure, was briefly touched on above. That benefit is the ability to store all of your picnic food and any other additional supplies. This is nice, as it can be difficult to transport food without a picnic basket. Picnic baskets are designed to hold food in a matter that should reduce or completely eliminate spills and messes. Many of your other alternatives, as opposed to using a picnic basket, include using store bags, a large cooler, or a backpack. To help keep your food and drinks in tact, you should look into buying a picnic basket, if you don’t already own one.

Speaking of buying a picnic basket, should you decide to do so, you will find that you have an unlimited number of options. What is nice about picnic baskets is that they come in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles. It is possible to find traditional whicker picnic baskets, but you can also find plastic or even metal picnic baskets. When buying a picnic basket for yourself, you will want to make sure that you buy one that you will use. That is why it is advised that you consider size. When buying a picnic basket, it is always best if you aim for a little bit larger in size than what you may think you need.

Your buying options are another one of the many benefits to owning and using a picnic basket whenever you and your family or you and your romantic partner decide to take a picnic. When it comes to buying a picnic basket, you not only have options concerning the size, shape, or style of your picnic basket, but you also have options when it comes to buying your picnic basket. A number of different retailers sell picnic baskets. These retailers tend to include discount stores, traditional department stores, outdoor stores, as well as home and garden stores. You can also shop for a picnic basket online. For the largest selection of picnic baskets to choose from, you may want to try the internet. You can easily get started with a standard internet search.

Whether you only go on picnics a couple of times a year or if you do so every week, you may want to look into buying a picnic basket for yourself. After doing so, you will likely be pleased with your decision, as they can make picnics much more enjoyable, as well as easier.

Here is another good post about picnics Picnic Recipes: How to Find Them and Why You Should