Tuesday, September 21, 2004

6 Things You Must Do If You Want To HaveThe Secret To Catching More Trout

By Robin Shortt

It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John Steinbeck

1. How Fish Think

When you hunt for deer, and any other animal for that matter, there are some set rules you have to follow if you are going to catch some very wary Brook and Brown trout.
Will the rules for hunting somehow help with Trout Fishing.

2. Study and Research

Understanding how a trout thinks, will increase your chances of success. You could go to a local bookstore as well as the library. Within a week you
will know more about Trout than 99.9% of the world's population.

3. Trout Tips

Trout have monocular vision. This means that each eye can focus on an object independently of the other eye, giving them an all-around panoramic field of vision. Research has confirmed that fish , to some extent, can see color, above and beyond some practical uses of color. The fact that most strikingly colored species use their pigmentation for attracting mates; or they use color to hide from and scare off would be predators.

To read the rest of this article go to the link below:


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